
The Tennessee Valley Bonsai Society meets on the second Saturday of each month at 1 p.m. The usual meeting place is the Urban Horticulture Supply.

Meetings are open to all with an interest in bonsai.

Garden Expo Show/Demos

Camp Jordan Arena 323 Camp Jordan Parkway, East Ridge, TN, United States

Admission covers both days. Parking is free.


Garden Expo Show/Demos

Camp Jordan Arena 323 Camp Jordan Parkway, East Ridge, TN, United States

Admission covers both days. Parking is free.


Monthly Meeting: Expo Planning, Repotting

Agriculture Center 6183 Adamson Circle, Chattanooga, TN, United States

At our March meeting, we'll make plans and preparations for the Garden Expo at Camp Jordan in April. We'll also have a presentation on repotting by David Morgan.