Mastering bonsai takes years

Starting bonsai takes minutes.  The first hurdle is keeping your tree alive.  Horticulture first.  If the tree isn’t healthy it won’t be a happy bonsai.  The art form will fail.

There are many facets of bonsai.  People tend to specialize.  If you are interested in specific areas find professional with similar interests to learn from.  Nobody knows everything.

Read books, watch videos, take classes, work with friends, join a study group  led by a professional and above all experiment with trees.  These are the paths to success.

This section of our site will provide some beginner information and directions to information on more advanced topics.

Pending topics for the site: Wiring, Tools, Bonsai soil, Fertilizer, the cides, Yamadori, (collecting), Grafting and air layering, propogation, formal display

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